
  1. Mike Kovalchick says

    For those viewers in Bowdle(or perhaps in Minnesota or Canada)..if you happen to find that an tan hat shown in the 3rd photo..could you please return it to me? It was ripped off my head by the RFD winds around the Bowdle Wedge..and it was my favorite hat! 🙂

    Seriously Bob, very nice job. Looking forward to our next great chase..and the 3rd part of your blog on this storm.

  2. Glad you guys all hit the jackpot. That’s a catch and drama that chasers will probably be still telling a decade or more later. And some great writing here Bob, as you always do, but this in particular catches the eye with the imagery (I wonder if you could get into National Geographic magazine or something like that with a feature story):

    The structure was just unbelievable, with turbulent swirls of cloud wrapping around the parent circulation like daubs of frosting on an immense, revolving birthday cake. Nothing short of a work of art, an awesome sculpture of wind-carved moisture drifting across the prairie.

  3. Tom Oosterbaan says

    NIce work, Bob! Glad I was part of it.