Changes on the Way for!

A new look is coming to this blogsite in the near future. You may have already noticed one of its precursors in the movement of advertisements to the top of the sidebar. But more is on the way. My beautiful, geek-to-the-Nth-power lady friend, Lisa, is working on an update to my theme that will improve it both cosmetically and functionally.

This is just a heads-up. I don’t know precisely when Lis will have the new version of Stormhorn finished, and I’m not pushing her–this is her labor of love on my behalf, and she gets all the space she needs. But she has been beavering away in a spirit of excellence. I just got a look a little while ago at a new feature she has in mind for me, and I was extremely impressed. Good things are worth waiting for, but I don’t think the wait will be very long. So this is your heads-up: Look for a fresh wind to blow through sometime soon. I know you’re gonna like the results!