The Old Carlton Center Church in Charlton Park

With nothing hot brewing on my mind in the way of jazz, and certainly nothing in the weather other than a beautiful, unseasonably warm day, I thought I’d post a photo from yesterday’s excursion to historic Charlton Park.

For me, this shot of the old Carlton Center Church captures the essence of November: forlorn, empty, bereft of the vivid hues of autumn yet not quite committed to the black and white of winter. November is the month when Mother Nature seems to pause and hold her breath before exhaling her first icy blast.

I took a number of photos of the church. This one is actually the runner-up to another that I’ve selected for my weekend article for Waterland Living, but I kept looking at this image and thinking, “With a little more trimming…” I like it. Hope you do too.

If you want to see a few more shots from Charlton Park, a historic village located on Thornapple Lake between Hastings and Nashville, Michigan, go to my Photos page. The park on this day felt like a ghost town, but that’s November for you.

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