Jazz Goatee

Having nothing much to say tonight, I thought, what the heck, maybe you’d like to see a recent photo of me. The goatee is something new. I’ve had one in the past, but I got tired of it and trimmed it off. However, I fancy that I look rather good in a goatee, so I thought I’d take another whack at growing one. After all, a goatee is a pretty jazz musicianly thing.


Mine has more salt in it than seems right for a guy who’s only thirty years old and has been for quite a few years. But that’s okay. I’m told it makes me look dignified. I’m far too young to look dignified, but I’ll take that over looking ugly.

Besides, my buddy Dewey assures me that people will treat me with more respect and take me more seriously now that I’m sporting a goatee. Of course, it’s hard for me to take Dewey seriously when he tells me this, since he himself is not wearing a goatee.

No matter. What counts is, my lovely woman Lisa thinks I look good, and she made me look fairly decent in this photo. A bit red-faced, but that comes with blowing a saxophone, something I’ve been doing for over forty years now. I think you’ll have to agree that’s a pretty neat trick for a guy who’s only thirty years old.

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