I received a link to a video clip along with the following email today from a musician named Joseph Raciti:
I had a sneaking suspicion that this little short might interest you and the readers of your blog for its jazzy spin on Debussy’s “Clair De Lune” and the windy conditions the main character is in.
I checked out Joseph’s clip, and I agree with him. Joe has put together a jewel-like little piece of creativity with some very cool jazz piano playing. Naturally, I got curious about Joseph’s blog overall. I was not disappointed. It’s clearly the product of an artistic mind–well-written, colorful, and studded with other video vignettes similar in spirit to the one he’s shared here.
Update: Joe’s blog evidently has been taken down since I wrote this post. Unfortunate. I’m removing him from my blogroll, but I wish him well on his further creative ventures.
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